I'm honored to announce that I was just appointed to Gary's Precinct Organization.
Gary has six districts.
(Map of G1-20A)
After almost five years of collaborating with the First District Precinct Organization they've asked me to cover G1-20. This precinct covers a large portion of Glen Ryan and a little bit of Aetna and Miller. I look forward to serving NWIndiana in this new role.
(State Senator Eddie Melton, Precinct Committeeman Mike Chirich, Crystal Melton & Jessica Renslow at Mike's 75th.)
What is a precinct committee person?
A precinct committee person helps inform his/her constituents how to learn about registering to vote, upcoming primaries/general elections, and how to become active in the political process. S/he also helps work with neighborhood groups, local businesses, houses of worship and governmental entities to help improve the quality of life for his/her precinct. This is a volunteer position that is elected. If a precinct person retires, one can be appointed by the District Chairperson. The rules state that if a precinct captain is a woman then they need a man as their vice (2nd in command), and vise versa if the roles are reversed. (This is an old rule that is in place to help balance power.) Every municipality in the state of Indiana has a precinct organization. If a elected role becomes vacant, the precinct committee people hold a caucus and vote a new candidate to fill the position. (This recently happened when longtime Lake County Councilwoman, Elsie Franklin, passed away.) Last year, Lake County's precincts were targeted in a consolidation executed by the Secretary of State. You can read my thoughts on this matter here. This consolidation has led to Gary losing over half of our precincts. We have less than one precinct per geographic square mile and have had to merge polling places, creating a very chaotic atmosphere at times. As an organization we are working to streamline this process. If you're not sure if your polling place has changed you can find out here.
A Little More Info:
My name is Jessica Renslow and I’m the new precinct committeewoman for G1-20.
(Jessica Renslow in front of the "Fight the Good Fight" mural on Lake Street.)
Precinct G1-20 covers a good portion of Glen Ryan and parts of Aetna. I’m from Gary’s first district and I have a large blended family.
(Jessica Renslow's family poses for a Christmas picture.)
I grew up in Gary’s Miller Community, went to public school, put myself through college/grad school, worked abroad and across the country.
(My sister Mandi and I when we were little. She teaches middle school science in Glen Park now.)
My career has focused on education, technology, and community advocacy. In 2015 I returned to The Region to pilot the Neighborhood Spotlight Program. Since its kickoff, this grassroots initiative has successfully implemented a strategic plan co-created from community stakeholders and local institutions. The grant officially ended in 2018, but I believe so much in the progress we are making that I stayed on as a volunteer to continue all the Neighborhood Spotlight efforts. (We now have 72 community partners committed to helping Gary raise its quality of life. A community partner can be a nonprofit, business, or governmental entity.)

(Jessica Renslow giving a tour to young leaders from Leadership NWI and conducting a community bike ride as part of the Take Bike the Streets Program.)
By day I create online courses for Columbia College-Flashpoint and translate multimedia from Japanese to English. My hobbies include hiking, quilting and creative writing. I co-host a weekly radio show on WLTH 1370AM/92.7FM from 6-8pm every Wednesday evening.
(Jessica pictured with her WLTH 1370AM/92.7FM cohosts.)
I love living in Gary. One of my favorite things to do is explore our parks with my fella, Shawn, and my eight year old pomchi, Charlie.
(Jessica with Shawn at his 40th Birthday at Anna's Cafe on Lake Street.
Mandi and Jessica with their dogs on New Year's Day on the beach. Both pups are adopted from different groups.)
Mandi and Jessica with their dogs on New Year's Day on the beach. Both pups are adopted from different groups.)
(Jessica Renslow with President of the MCC, George Rogge, City Life Center's Patrick Ken Barry
and Algren Society Chair Sue Rutsen.)
What is my contact info?
Phone: (219) 292-2200
Email: jessierenslow@gmail.com
Facebook: Renslow4TheRegion
Instagram: Renslow4TheRegion
Blog: Renslow4TheRegion.blogspot.com
(Jessica Renslow, Zully JF Alvarado and Gretchen Sipp accepting the 2018 Urban League Of Northwest Indiana Inc.'s Award for Diversity and Inclusion. )
Click here to find out more about who qualifies to vote absentee.
Who is my vice precinct committeeman?
Meet Aldwin Livingston!
(Aldwin and his family.)
(Kimmie Gordon, Jessica Renslow and Aldwin Livingston putting up a deocrative board up at a blighted house in Gary's Emerson Community. Aldwin and Jessieca acting at The Miller Historic Society's Halloween Event.)
I met him four years ago at a community clean up. He and his lady, Katie, had just moved to Gary. They both chose The Steel City because they love midcentury modern architecture, our proximity to the Southshore, access to the highways and our beautiful natural amenities. Since moving to Gary in 2015, Aldwin has volunteered with me on several projects. He is a bicycle enthusiast, tinkerer of gadgets, and all around wonderful addition to our city.
(Aldwin mentoring a young man at Build a Bike.)
What's next:
When and where can I vote?
(If you live in G1-20.)
11/5/19 from 6am-6pm at The Glen Ryan Park Pavilion
4220 E 6TH PL
Gary, IN 46403
*You can double check your polling place location at https://indianavoters.in.gov/
Where and when can I vote early?
Genesis Center on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays
9:00am-3:00pm from October 8th-Nov. 1st 2019
***Closed 10/14/19 for Columbus Day
(Local businesswoman, Gretchen Sipp, and Jessica Renslow at a Gary Poetry Project Event.)
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